Saturday, September 20, 2008

Who is Roger Helbig?

It is about time that I began to post my own blog instead of writing comments, often moderated out, on those of others. I am a Vietnam Era veteran who got on the net because I was a whistleblower and no longer could afford to send $3 packages of materials to potential supporters or reporters when I was trying to get my message out so I taught myself HTML and put up a web page. I also became active in e-mail lists, starting with the now defunct SPJ-L (the list for the Society of Professional Journalists) and IRE-L (Investigative Reporters and Editors). I was searching for a bull dog investigative reporter to shine the harsh light of public opinion on some swarmy back room deals that I had encountered while working for the Navy. After taking early retirement, partially due to base closures and partially due to being a pariah and extreme honesty, I became more politically active, mainly on veteran oriented lists and felt that I was the only member of "Colonels for Gore" and actively fought the lies from the Swift Boat gang and the far right pundits about John Kerry, particularly his discharge from the Naval Reserve. In being active for Kerry, I encountered Dennis Kyne's girlfriend on the Yahoo Group BushBeGone and I disputed some of her very far out postings on depleted uranium. That is the genesis of this blog which is the blog part of the Yahoo Group DUStory, where the files that I have dug up reside.

What is it about depleted uranium that got me interested in these weakly radioactive bullets? It was being described as if it were nuclear fallout and back in 1973 I went through a four week class about nuclear fallout. I knew how to detect fallout, how to protect myself and others against it and how to decontaminate people and equipment; I knew enough about radiation to know when lies were being told. Being a whistleblower, I have a passion for the truth and I also was rather scared when I saw these postings that were continually telling the Arab world that the US had intentionally poisoned their countries forever or that DU was really a population control device. I feared that this continual bombardment would result in some kid paying the US or UK back by detonating a crude nuke or a dirty bomb. I decided to expose the lies and the liars.

I began by telling Doug Rokke, who jumped in along with Leuren Moret, that if he had a genuine concern that the Army was not following regulations that he should take his specific concerns to the Army or Defense Inspector General. Rokke did not like my "ordering" him to put up or shut up and he did not like the fact that veterans looked up to my expertise because I actually had some, albeit 30 years old, so he slandered me all over the world starting with the Axis of Logic which modified, but refused to retract the slander. Rokke claimed that I was an active duty colonel who was bullying him a poor civilian. The truth was that both Rokke and I are retired reservists. I retired in 1994 and he was forceably retired in 2003. I also never worked in the Pentagon, never worked with depleted uranium, and at the time we first clashed was not even working let alone working on the Pentagon's payroll. As a whistleblower, though, I valued my integrity and reputation for honesty very highly so I did not take his lies about my being a liar very lightly. Rokke expected that I would just fade away, but I am a porcupine, I do not lie flat, I bristle. I am now one of the few experts on just exactly who Douglas Lind Rokke, celebrated in blogs, Vanity Fair, videos, etc., is. He is not the same person that they celebrate. He has lied about who he is since at least 1999 and possibly even before that. This blog is dedicated to exposing Douglas Lind Rokke, Leuren K Moret (she also jumped in to defend Dennis), Dennis Kyne (much less of a figure in the anti-DU crusade), Asaf Durakovic, Chris Busby and others. I will post fact and I will tell you where you can find supporting documentation. If I speculate, I will tell you that I am speculating and that there has been no objection raised to my speculation. I invite genuine investigative reporters to dig in and report this story. I can provide clues, but I do have a full time job and it has nothing to do with depleted uranium.